
Monday, October 11, 2010

Columbus Day

I remember in school when I was a kid that Columbus Day was a day mentioned and we learned that annoying poem:

In Fourteen hundred Ninty two
Columbus sailed the ocean blue...

I don't honestly remember the rest. I got taught in school that Columbus was a visionary man who went looking for new worlds. My grandmother informed me later that Columbus simply went the wrong way, got lost, damn near got himself mutinied and thought he was in the east indies.

History, depending on who you talk to and whose version you read, tells us that diseases never before seen in the Americas decimated native tribes. And a whole bunch of other nastyness.

I also read a history book which states that the number of natives was declining prior to Columbus arrival. I disagree with that statement and flat out call it bullshit however I should mention that I have yet to verify the sources cited to prove or disprove the statement. Once I do, expect another post on the subject. As a Native American my ancestors were directly affected by the crimes of Columbus.

Columbus Day means a lot to me though. And not because I'm furious over the treatment of my ancestors (I am saddened by the brutality though don't get me wrong). You see it is on Columbus Day that I most vividly remember my grandmother. That her council is most especially missed.

Grandma followed the beliefs and traditions of the Iroquois. She believed that a certain ancestress was Iroquois (mom and I have both found proof to the contrary), she taught me about the Great Spirit and the proper, respectful use of tobacco and sage and sweet-grass. She taught me to think for myself. She taught me to take pride in who I am and honor those who came before.

Grandma passed away a couple years ago. But ever since then, her memory has been strongest on Columbus Day. So in honor of her I'll share one of her favorite songs. One of my favorite songs.

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